Leave Administration
Flexible Online Leave Administration System
HR Manage now includes a full Leave Administration System that can be managed from the HR Manage application or by the employees self via the web interface (Employee Self Service).
The system is flexible enough to support employees with different working days, public holidays from multiple countries and different leave entitlement for groups of employees. Optional functions include the selling of leave via the online system, applying for leave on behalf of other employees, multiple approvers for each employee and a graphical leave calendar integrated into most of the online screens when applying for and approving leave.

Leave Management System Features

When logging into HR Manage Online, a Leave Administration Dashboard will be displayed which contains the employee’s current leave balances, active leave applications as well as links to approve / reject leave applications for employees reporting to him / her.
Applying for leave can be done online by employees themselves where they will be able to see their current leave balance for the type of leave they are applying for as well as the availability of other employees in his department for that same period via the graphical leave calendar. The system will also intelligently calculate their future leave balance should the application succeed, taking into account the current leave balance, existing leave applications of the same type and possible accrual that might get added by the time the leave starts. All this information is displayed to the applicant while he/she is completing the leave application. Leave applications will go through an approval process that can be configured per leave type. Any action performed on a leave application will automatically generate and send an email notification to all people involved.
Advanced reporting functionality is also available online and via the Windows application. Some of the standard reports include Leave Balances report, a Visual Leave Planner / Calendar report, Leave History with multiple parameters.

Leave Types and Leave Groups can be set up to enforce different rules and policies for each client.
Leave Types determine the approval process, how accrual is calculated and if leave of that type can be sold. Advanced rules can also be configured per leave type as explained below.
Leave Groups determine which days of the week certain employees work, which dates are regarded as public holidays and what entitlement certain groups of employees get per year. While a single leave group can contain all the information needed for a complete leave system, employees are typically linked to 3 leave groups at once: One for determining Public Holidays, one for determining which days of the week the employee works and a leave group to determine the employee’s leave entitlement. The system can also be customised to automatically upgrade employees from one leave group to another after working a for specific period for the company. (e.g. After 5 years, increase employee’s annual leave entitlement)

Automatic Rules
Automatic rules can be defined for each leave type like preventing employees from cancelling their own leave applications after a certain status, auto-reject leave applications if there is insufficient leave credits available or even automatically recreate a leave application under a different leave type if a leave application is rejected (e.g. If sick leave rejected, recreate as unpaid annual leave).
There is even an advanced rule where if there are only a partial number of leave credits left, but not enough to cover the whole application for time off, then the system can reject the application and create two new applications: 1 application of the original type for the available balance of the leave type and 1 application in another leave type for the remainder of the application.

Leave Reporting
While HR Manage has various visual tools and dashboards available, both on the web and the Windows application, reporting tools are also provided to both power users and in the employee self service section on the web. The leave calendar that appears on the web at any time when applying for leave or approving a leave application, gives a visual indication of other employees and sub-ordinates who has also applied for leave in the same period. The dashboards typically contains the employee’s leave balances of each type as well as any active leave applications.
Various reports are available that allow managers to see balances and training history for sub-ordinates, as well as pick up things like sick-leave abuse. Power users can generate similar reports with the option to export directly to Excel.

The Monthly Leave Run Wizard is an intelligent feature that will add accrual for each employee every month based on the rules set up in the Leave Types and Leave Groups. A leave run can be rolled back if needed and if a leave run was missed for the previous month, the system will automatically adjust the accrual being added to include the missed run.

Visual Planner
The visual leave planner is a horizontal calendar listing other employees related to an employee and showing which days they are away. This helps employees plan their leave to see if an application might be rejected if it clashes with someone else.

Powerful User Interface
While applying for leave, Employees can view leave their balances, visually see other people who are on leave during the same period, attach supporting documentation and see their new estimated calculated balance.
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